

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Google Maps for iPhone

The miracle happened, the ordeal ended. Google has put the bone to work and released in the app store Google Maps for iOS.

I did not know why yesterday I could not do the update to any application. Now I have found out. Probably everyone has given the rush as to download google maps and overloaded app store.
Maps of the new Google Maps are vector graphics like those from Apple, and it is a very good upload speed and fluidity of the application.

Everything is for the better. Just as happened with the native youtube application (eliminated by Apple), so it happened to the maps. To become much better than it was ever under parents ' obladuirea. The interface is clean but her version on Android and looks much better.

We have almost all the features of the Android version: information about traffic, turn-by-turn navigation, walking directions, satellite view, street view, indoor photos.

Of course we have the most important according to the competition, namely the download offline maps on a radius of 10 km, which is very useful for example when you're in a big city and have seen targets, and the tariff for roaming data traffic you can bring to the screed.

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